How to Get a Job in Wind Energy
The wind energy industry has seen incredible growth during the last decade, and there is an abundance of career paths you might take in the field. To land a first job, or rise in a career in wind energy, you’ll need the right education, knowledge, and experience. Build a resume, make connections, and immerse yourself in the industry through professional associations and energy conferences and newsletters. There’s no telling where it might lead.
Here’s how to find a job in wind energy:
Choose the Right Degree
Even before you consider which degree to attain to support your career, check out job posting sites like Indeed and Monster to find out the qualifications wind energy companies look for in their new hires. They list degree type and experience. It’s up to you to fill in the gaps.
You may be able to get an entry level job in site preparation, construction, and meteorological technology with just a high school diploma. But if you want a long-term career with opportunity for advancement, you may want a bachelor’s degree with a focus on energy management.
Gain Experience in Wind Energy
Part-time jobs and internships with a wind energy company or nonprofit can provide you with hands-on experience. They are also an opportunity to show off your work ethic to potential employers. Your high school or college might be able to help set you up with an internship, but you can also conduct your own research. Check out local wind energy companies in your area and see if they have openings for jobs or internships. Even if they don’t, it may be worth making a call to the Human Resources team to see if they’d be willing to accept an intern. An internship is a great way to get that first job in wind energy and have relevant experience to add to your resume.
Write Your Resume
Along with any application you submit for employment, you’ll need a solid resume that highlights your education and experience. Be sure to include your degree, honors, and achievements. If you have no experience specific to wind energy, consider transferrable skills you might have. For example, a job in retail may have taught you customer service skills. Organizing fundraising events teaches collaboration, teamwork, and leadership. Or maybe you volunteer on Earth Day. What better way to show your passion for renewable energy than to work for the planet in your free time?
Build Your Network
Set up a LinkedIn account and make clear your aspirations to work in wind energy. Follow companies and people in the field. Do you know people working where you want to work? Connect with them. They could be a valuable resource, and even a mentor. Also, consider joining industry associations. The mission of the American Clean Power Association is to “unite the power and resources of onshore and offshore wind and other clean energy companies in order to expedite the advancement of clean energy as the dominant power source in America.” Look for a local branch and join. Find other organizations that support your future career and sign on. Attend conferences, talks, and meet-and-greets. The larger your network, the more likely you’ll meet the people who know the people who can get you a job!
Look at Job Postings
Be sure to regularly check online job postings or company websites. On LinkedIn, and other social media sites, you can set up alerts to get notified about postings that match your match your skills and experience comes up. And don’t be afraid to relocate to another area of the country if the right job comes along. Go where the wind takes you.
Stay Up to Date
Read all you can about the wind energy industry and recent technological developments. Sign up for online newsletters such as the Wind R & D Newsletter published by the U.S. Department of Energy or The Leading Edge that highlights the latest developments from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s wind energy program. When you live and breathe wind energy, you’ll be able to ace your job interview.
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