Certificate in Security
This certificate is designed to give the student a more comprehensive knowledge of the security industry in the last half of the 20th century and an understanding of its scope and growth. Students will learn how to develop safe discipline and termination methods, the management of violent and potentially violent incidents, and the role of security personnel in their efforts to protect employees. Students taking this certificate will be able to identify the dangers and opportunities presented by information warfare. And most importantly, students are given ample hands-on opportunity to learn, develop, and hone practical report-writing skills used throughout the security community.
Upon completion of this certificate, students will be able to do the following:
- Discuss concepts, principles and standards for designing and implementing secure operating systems and networked systems.
- Demonstrate practical report-writing skills used throughout the security community.
- View security as a discipline and thus show how to distinguish the differences between the roles of law enforcement and private security.
- Identify the concepts and methods of risk mitigation and security resources to then organize and manage a security function.
- Summarize where and how to access additional information about security practices, related trade or professional organizations, service and product providers, education, regulations and certifications.
INT330 Writing for the Intelligence Professional
SEC320 Foundations of the Security Industry
SEC360 Information Security
SEC375 Workplace Violence, Workplace Security
Course availability is subject to minimum class size requirements.